Artist Statement
The most awe-inspiring art I have admired on a daily basis for years has been trees and their leaves. This deep-seated artistic allure is reliably irresistible in the fall. “Fall Leaf Collection” is a tribute to the magnificence of the individual leaf. Each of the 12 woodblocks started with the collection of the original leaf. Each was pressed for a few days (long enough to give the leaf time to flatten out but short enough for the leaf to retain nearly all of its color), photographed, lightly edited, and logged. Next, the leaf is manually traced in Adobe Illustrator, a graphic software. The slow, monotonous process of artistically reinterpreting the physical form of a brittle impermanent leaf into digital art is part of the appeal for me. Once printed on unfinished wood blocks, the details and time put into each leaf can be overlooked, similarly to how easy it is to forget that centuries of evolution lead to the growth and inevitable fall of the physical leaf it is based on.
The documentation of each leaf is based on the scientific naming process an entomologist or botanist would use to document a collection of specimens. The collection’s consistency in labeling, perspective, and medium enhances the scientific aesthetic. The naturalistic graphic art series, “Fall Leaf Collection”, is ongoing with many more specimens expected to be included in the coming years.

Earth Day Exhibition | Kenosha Creative Space

Earth Day Exhibition | Kenosha Creative Space
digital illustrations printed directly on wood
$30 - $55
dimensions vary